I love purple
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
This is my little buddy as of late. I've been doing quite a bit of baking / taking pictures of what I bake for my website, canningbasics.com, and every time, there he is right alongside me! He always wants to "test" the batter and loves to help dump things in the bowl.
Isaac: "Pee-cool? Isaac pee-cool?"
Me: "Yep, that's right! You'll get to do real school pages just like Rachel."
Isaac: "Rachel pee-cool?"
Me: "Uh, no. I'm not in preschool."
Isaac: "Hmmmm. I love purple."
Me: "What?"
Isaac: "I love purple!" (holding up purple crayon at this point.)
Me: "That's great. Now get your hands out of your underwear and start coloring. By the way, I love your blue camoflauge big boy briefs."
Isaac: "I looooooove purple. I LOVE PURPLE."
A look of panic goes across his face, and then he yells.....
This little guy just keeps me laughing with all his antics!!
That is so funny! I love having conversations with little kids.
Oh my goodness... too cute!!! :D
Haha! How cute! Thanks for sharing. :)
Oh my goodness!!! That's hilarious!!! Thanks for posting, Rachel :-D
You know Rachel, I think your family adopted the CUTEST little boys on the planet!
Hope to see you at church tomorrow.
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