The Latest Around Here
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Well, how time flies by! I can hardly believe that we're already into April. Before we know it summer will be here! Right now we are having gorgeous weather - the kind where you can have your windows open day and night, and everything is cool and fresh. Absolutely perfect.
Still doing school! I'm really enjoying studying Biology, and Consumer Math isn't bad, either. I feel woefully behind but the best way to remedy that is to plug away at it, one day at a time. Remember that old phrase - "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!"
The cutie pies of our household! Joshua is such a senstive little boy; if you say "no" firmly, it sends him into a pile of tears that takes a while to stop. He gets really upset at gentle discipline; a good thing, I guess! He responds really well to correction though - I don't think he's disobeyed or challenged us hardly at all so far. (Quite a contrast to his mischevious older brother Isaac!)
That picture of you doing school is REALLY cute! :-D
BTW, I'm getting a cold/cough, so I'm going to try your special remedy tea :-)
It sounds as though you have been staying quite occupied recently! It is always good to be productive! :)
The photographs you shared are so sweet!
Many Blessings,
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