Isaac's vocabulary (and other stuff)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Isaac's vocabulary is expanding rapidly these days! He has learned a lot of new words recently and can be quite amusing.
"Hip-moes" - (Hippos)
"Be-Be I-E" - (Baby Isaac)
"Nina" - (China) not new but I had to share it!
"Yeh Maa" (Yes ma'am)
"I - E - eeee" (Isaac is three)
"Ah-ah-ah ooo" (Joshua is two)
I know from the list of words you just read it probably sounds like he has a doomed future of being totally mis-understood...but if you lived with him every day you'd realize what milestones these words are. For him to say "h" and "b" with no problem is great, considering he had a cleft palate. He is really making strides these days!
And yes, we're working on those consanants he loves to leave out. :-)
Aww! Great job, Issac! :)
I know your family must be so excited that you're almost going to bring little Joshua!
My traveling prayers will be with you. :)
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